District Ministerial Credentials

The District Ministerial Credentials Board is oversees the credentialing process for the granting of District Licenses and recommendations for ordination.

The members of the DMCB are elected elders who provide mentorship and guidance to ministers on the track for ordination and to help persons prepare for a lifetime of effective ministry.

Depending on their ministry experience and their progress in the course of study persons may apply for a district license with the recommendation of the local church board and pastor.


2025 District License Application Dates

First-time Applicants Interviews

Renewal Interviews 

Application Form for District License

Credential Application Steps

The local church validates and confirms the call of the minister.  The local minister’s license is the first step in the official process towards ordination, whether elder or deacon. 

The ministerial candidate must speak with their pastor.  The local church board, upon the request of the candidate and the recommendation of the pastor, grants this license (Manual 129.12). 

The Handbook for Christian Ministries helps guide applicants through the journey of preparing for ministry.

‘Application for Local Ministers License’ download

‘Handbook for Christian Ministries’ download

The local church pastor should enrol the licensee with the DMSB, who will advise the candidate on the recommended validated Course of Study.  

The DMSB provides guidance and encouragement to ministerial candidates through the journey of their educational preparation.

Ministers must have held a local minister’s license for one year. 

Application For District Minister’s License English

The educational requirement that must be met for a District License is the completion of 30 credit hours (10 courses) in the course of study.

An interview will be scheduled with the DMCB having received your application, recommendation from your pastor, and confirmation of your progress in the course of study from the DMSB.  

Spouses are expected to attend interviews of married candidates.

Candidates receiving their first district minister’s license are expected to attend the district assembly that year.  Having been approved by the district assembly, their license will be received through a special presentation during the ordination service of the district assembly.


The District Minister’s License is renewed annually.  The DMSB annually reviews students progress in their course of study and makes recommendations to the DMCB for the renewal of the district license.

Candidates who have received their district minister’s license have maximum of ten years to complete their educational requirements for ordination.  We expect each candidate to complete a minimum of two courses each year in order to maintain their district minister’s license. 

A candidate must also receive the approval of his or her pastor, the local church board, the DMSB and the DMCB in order to maintain their district minister’s license each year.

Ordination is a priviledge, not a right.  The DMCB is responsible for interviewing candidates for ordination taking into consideration meeting the ministry and educational preparation requirements.  To learn more about the preparation for Ordination, read the Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Ordination.

‘GuideTo Ministerial Prep and Ordination’ download

The educational requirements for ordination is the completion of 90 credit hours in the course of study.  The DMSB will review the candidates progress and make recommendation to the DMCB. 

Credential Application Forms


Renewal of District License

Recommendation of Local Pastor Template


Talk with your pastor or district Superintendent.

nazdstt@gmail.com (868)622-9552)