District Assembly

The District Assembly shall be held annually, at the time appointed by the general superintendent having jurisdiction, and in the place designated by the District Advisory Board or arranged for by the district superintendent. (Church of the Nazarene Manual, Paragraph 202).

District Assembly Delegates

The district assembly shall be composed of:
all assigned elders; all assigned deacons; all assigned licensed ministers; all retired assigned ministers; the district secretary; the district treasurer; chairpersons of standing district committees reporting to the district assembly; any lay presidents of Nazarene institutions of higher education, whose local church membership is on the district; the District Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) chairperson; the district age-group ministries international directors (children and adult); the District SDMI Board; the president of the District Nazarene Youth International (NYI); the president of the District Nazarene Missions International (NMI); the newly elected superintendent or vice superintendent of each local SDMI Board; the newly elected president or vice president of each local NYI; the newly elected president or vice president of each local NMI; or an elected alternate may represent the NMI, NYI, and SDMI organizations in the district assembly; those serving in assigned roles of ministry; the lay members of the District Advisory Board; active lay missionaries whose local church membership is on the district; all retired lay missionaries whose local church membership is on the district who were active missionaries at the time of retirement; and the lay delegates from each local church and church-type mission in the assembly district. (24113.14–113.15146152.2201.1–201.2219.2222.2224.4242.2244.2505–528.1532.8533–533.4534–534.3535–535.1536–536.2538.9)

District Assembly Forms

The following forms should be prepared by the Local Church Secretary and the Senior Pastor and submitted prior to the District Assembly.

Annual Meetings

Local Church Annual meetings must be held within 30 days of the District Assembly.  Churches will be sent the 2025 Annual Meeting schedule via email.

Download the following documents to guide your local church’s annual meeting planning.